Wednesday 3 September 2014

Simple Things to Do Every Day to Improve Memory

So you just walk into the dining room ready to get something that you need…but suddenly it dawned on you that you don't even remember what it was you were going to get. Later during the day, you get out of the house to drive to the supermarket, but as soon as you reach for your key inside your pocket, it's not even there… and you don't remember where you've left it.

Aren't these circumstances all too familiar? Perhaps you've even experienced being introduced to someone and just after a minute, you've totally forgotten his or her name. Certainly, you can't be the only one (yep, that happened to me too!). And while you may feel annoyed, disappointed and even embarrassed over these situations, you'll be glad to know that there are tricks that you can do every day for your memory improvement.

Pay Attention to Details

One of the main reasons why we easily forget is because we don't pay much attention to what's happening, what we're hearing or even seeing. This causes us to miss intricate details and get our thoughts drifted away by another event. This is what usually happens when suddenly you forget where you placed your book or you can't recall the name of your new neighbour.

So when you are doing something, talking to someone or listening, pay better attention. In the end, doing so will work in your favour.

Scribble it Down

This one's a classic. Back in the day, with almost any information you want to keep, you write it down. And even nowadays, in the age of smartphones and tablets, you save details in your device. So why not scribble it down or note it down whenever you want to remember something? Even the visual picture of what you've written down can help improve your memory. If an idea suddenly pops into your mind, go ahead and take notes. You may not implement it anytime soon, but at least it won't just disappear into thin air.

Keep Reminders

Do you have an appointment? Do you have a due date? Will you need to mail something to the post office? Find a way to keep reminders – and it doesn't have to be just written reminders. Set the alarm, mark your calendar, leave a note on your refrigerator door, tape the letter on your bedroom door – just anything you can come up with that will act as a reminder for you.

Sometimes, the reason why we don't remember things is simply that there is nothing to remind us of it. So if there is nothing to remind you about it, then make one.

Say it Aloud

This works perfect especially for names of people you've just met, phone numbers or address, or even dates. Saying it aloud will allow you to refresh your mind about the detail. Not only that, if there are any errors to the information you got, then you can be corrected immediately. And it's okay to repeat the details, even just inside your head. This trains your mind to have an improved recall of details.

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