Tuesday 13 May 2014

Where to Get Your Supply of Chia Seeds

Back in the day, chia pets were grown in terracotta figurines and given as novelty and gift items. And even though you'd still see those green pets today (mostly during holidays), chia seeds have become more of a regular companion to health enthusiasts. People who are looking for ways to add something nutritious to their diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle found numerous benefits from consuming chia seeds.

Chia seeds are edible seeds harvested from the Salvia hispanica plant. Once it absorbs water, a gel-like substance forms around the seed. It can be eaten whole or ground. Chia seeds have been known to be a great source of fibre, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, vitamin C, zinc, protein and other essential nutrients.

Chia Seeds Health Benefits

Consumption of chia seeds have been linked to:

       Higher levels of alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) and eicosapentaenoic acid, which can fight joint pains and inflammation
       Balanced blood sugar levels
       Increased endurance during prolonged periods of workout and training (when combined with energy drinks)
       Hydration of the body as the chia seeds form a gelatinous substance when water is absorbed, improving water holding capacity.

In the commercial industry, chia seeds have been used as animal feeds, and added to food products as a stabiliser and to improve absorption capacity. Chia seed health supplements can also be taken as a powerful source of fibre, whilst chia seed oil can be used as a topical treatment for certain skin diseases.

Where to Buy Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are now widely cultivated in various parts of the world, including Australia. They are mostly available at local supermarkets and health food stores. When shopping for groceries, you might want to check the organic produce section for supplies of chia seeds. Also, if the area you live in holds a farmer's market or weekend markets, you might find some chia seeds at one of the organic stalls. Alternatively, you can order chia seeds online, but find out if deliveries are made in your area.

Can You Plant Chia Seeds?

If you want your own source of chia seeds, you can plant them right in your backyard. That sounds really convenient, especially when you want a sufficient supply of chia seeds for regular use.

Watch Growing Chia Seeds

In case you don't have a large space for a garden, you can use pots to grow the chia seeds indoors (again, remember the chia pets?). You can also try organic farming to get the best produce, and even use the leaves to make your chia tea.

How to Grow Chia Seeds

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